[JK 참고문헌 링크 서비스] 생애주기비용분석 LCCA, WLC
시설물 LCC 생애주기비용 (Life Cycle Cost) 분석은 사업 경제적 타당성 분석, 경제적 설계, 가치공학, 유지관리 뿐만 아니라 관리 시설자산관리에도 반드시 필요한 정보입니다.
관련 기술은 선진국에 비하여 앞으로 크게 발전하여야 할 분야입니다.
좋은 문헌 정보를 발견하면 앞으로 아래 사이트에서 업데이트하겠습니다.
- Al-Wazeer 등 (2005) Applying LCCA to Bridges,Public Roads
- Arkansas Pavinars (2021) Pavinar: Life Cycle Cost Analysis - 2021 Update - YouTube
- ASCE Maximizing the Value of Investments using LCCA lcca_asce_eno.pdf
- ASTM E 917 Standard Practice for Measuring Life-Cycle Costs of Buildings and Building Systems (astm.org)
- Avinash and Purnima Prasad (2019) Tunnel life cycle design and cost analysis
- Babashamsi 등 (2016) Evaluation of pavement LCCCA: Review and Analysis
# Caltrans
- Caltrans (2013), LIFE-CYCLE COST ANALYSIS PROCEDURES MANUAL for RealCost Version 2.5CA
- Caltans () Documenting Life-Cycle Cost Analysis for Pavements
- Caltrans Life Cycle Cost Analysis | Caltrans
- Caltrans() RealCost Version 2.5.4CA https://dot.ca.gov/-/media/dot-media/programs/maintenance/documents/office-of-concrete-pavement/life-cycle-cost-analysis/realcost-version-2-5-4ca-setup.zip
- Caltrans (2007) Use of LCCA for Pavement
- Caltrans (2013), LIFE-CYCLE COST ANALYSIS PROCEDURES MANUAL for RealCost Version 2.5CA
- Clemons, FHWA Office of AM, Life-Cycle Cost Analysis (PPT자료)
- Coley 등 (2013) Using Bridge Life-Cycle Cost Analysis Tools for MAP-21
- Coley 등 (2014) Another Bridge Life-Cycle Cost Analysis Tool for MAP-21
- Constuctructing Execllence (2004) Whole life Costing
- CSHubMIT (2017) Building Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA), Incorporating Hazard Resistance - YouTube
- CrossRail Case Study: Whole-life costing on Crossrail (1library.net)
# Dell'Isola and Kirk
- Dell'Isola and Kirk (2003) Life Cycle Costing for Facilities (rsmeans.com)
# DLGSC, Government of Western Australia
- DLGSC LCC 홈페이지 Life Cycle Cost Guidelines (dlgsc.wa.gov.au)
- DLGSC (2005) Life Cycle Cost Guidelines.indd (dlgsc.wa.gov.au)
Life Cycle Cost Guidelines
- DoE Building LCC Programs
- Emekci (2018) Life Cycle Costing in Construction Sector: State of the Art Review
- Environmental Finance Center at UNC-Chapel Hill Understanding Life Cycle Cost - YouTube
- E/One Sewer Systems (2020) Webinar: Using the Life Cycle Cost Calculator for Sewer Project Evaluations - YouTube
- FHWA FHWA Life Cycle Cost Analysis 전용홈페이지
- FHWA Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
- FHWA LCCA SW RealCost - software that provides a tool to perform an LCCA in accordance with FHWA best practice methods
- FHWA LCCA SW RealCost User's Manual
- FHWA Training Life-Cycle Cost Analysis Peer Exchange
- FHWA Training Onsite RealCost Life-Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) Software Workshop
- FHWA (1998) LIfe-Cycle Cost Analysis in Pavement Design
- FHWA (2002) Life-Cycle Cost Analysis Primer
- FHWA MAP-21 | Federal Highway Administration (dot.gov)
- FHWA MAP-21 - Guidance | Federal Highway Administration (dot.gov)
- FHWA Publications - Asset Management - Federal Highway Administration (dot.gov)
- FHWA Guidance - Asset Management - Federal Highway Administration (dot.gov)
- FHWA Managing Assets Under MAP-21 | FHWA (dot.gov), Public Roads 2013
- FHWA (2007) Life-Cycle Cost Analysis - The Georgia Experience
- FHWA (2010) Life-Cycle Cost Analysis - The Colorado Experience
- FHWA (2015) Tunnel Operations, Maintenance, Inspection, and Evaluation (TOMIE) Manual
- FHWA(2017) Real Cost 2.5 Download
- FHWA(2017) Real Cost 2.5 User's Manual
- FHWA (2017) Life-Cycle Cost Analysis Software - LCCA - Life Cycle Cost Analysis - Design & Analysis - Pavements - Federal Highway Administration (dot.gov)
- FHWA (2019) A Briefing on Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of New Bridge Design Alternatives
- FHWA (2020) Life Cycle Planning Practices (dot.gov)
- FHWA (2021) Life Cycle Cost Analysis Part I: Fundamentals - YouTube
- FHWA (2021) Life Cycle Cost Analysis Part II: Applications - YouTube
- FHWA Transportation Asset Management Case Studies Life-Cycle Cost Analysis The Georgia Experience (dot.gov)
- Fong (2013), Caltrans 2013 Life-Cycle Cost Analysis Webinar (PPT자료)
- Fuller, S (2016) Life-Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) | WBDG - Whole Building Design Guide
- GAO (1978) Review of Life Cycle Cost
- GAO (1988) Space Station: NASA Efforts To Establish a Design-To-Life-Cycle Cost Process | U.S. GAO
- GAO (2013) Federal-Aid Highways: Improved Guidance Could Enhance States' Use of Life-Cycle Cost Analysis in Pavement Selection | U.S. GAO
- Hawk (2003) Bridge Life-Cycle Cost Analysis, NCHRP Report 483, TRB
- Herbold (2000) Using Monte Carlo Simulation for Pavement Cost Analysis, Public Roads
- Huang (2007) Risk-based LCD approach for Tunnel Lining
- IALCCE2023 Homepage - IALCCE2023
- ISO 15686-5:2017(en), Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 5: Life-cycle costing
- ISO (2017) ISO-15686-5-2017.pdf (iteh.ai)
- IVL (2013) LCA and LCC Evaluation fo Rockdrain and a Conventional Tunnel Drainage System
- Lavappa and Kneifel, NIST (2021) Energy Price Indices and Discount Factors for Life-Cycle Cost Analysis – 2021 Annual Supplement to NIST Handbook 135
- Li (2009) Highway Project Level Life-Cycle Benefit/Cost Analysis under Certainty, Risk, and Uncertainty: Methodology with Case Study
- Lime Association of Texas Life Cycle Cost Analysis - YouTube
- Maldonado (2019) Life-Cycle Cost Analysis for Shortand Medium-Span Bridges, Indiana DOT와 Purdue Univ Joint 연구
# MAP-21
- Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act - Wikipedia
- Maldonado and Bowman (2019) Life-Cycle Cost Analysis for Short- and Medium-Span Bridges (purdue.edu)
- Marshall(1988) Techniques for Treating Uncertainty and Risk in the Economic Evaluation of Building Investments, NIST Special Publication 757
- Modbs Whole-life costing guides investment in energy efficiency - Modern Building Services (modbs.co.uk)
# Michigan State University
- Michigan State University Asset Life Expectancy Standards - Procedures and References | Infrastructure, Planning and Facilities | Michigan State University (msu.edu)
# New Zealand Government
- New Zealand Government (2015) Guide Whole of Life Costs Guidance
- Ehlen 1997 Life Cycle Cost of New Construction Materials, J. of Infrastructure Systems
- Ehlen and Marshall(1996) The Economics of New-Technology Materials: A Case Study of FRP Bridge Decking
- NIST Building Life Cycle Cost Programs | NIST
- DOE Building Life Cycle Cost Programs | Department of Energy
- NIST (2003) BridgeLCC 2.0 Users Manual: Life-Cycle Costing Software for the Preliminary Design of Bridges (NIST GCR 03-853)
- NIST (2013) Energy Price Indices and Discount Factors for Life-Cycle Cost Analysis – 2013 Annual Supplement to NIST Handbook 135 and NBS Special Publication 709
- NIST (2022) Life Cycle Costing Manual for the Federal Engergy Management Program, NIST Handbook 135
- NIST (2022) Energy Price Indices and Discount Factors for Life-Cycle Cost Analysis – 2022 Annual Supplement to NIST Handbook 135
- NIST (2022) NIST Handbook 135 Supplement: Energy Price Indices and Discount Factors for Life-Cycle Cost Analysis, NISTIR 85-3273-37 | WBDG - Whole Building Design Guide
- NVF(2012) Observations on LCC in Nordic Road Tunnelt pratice for life cycle analysis for tunnel equipmt
- OGC (2007) Whole-life costing and cost management
- OFM Facility life cycle cost model (LCCM) | Office of Financial Management (wa.gov)
- OFM Life Cycle Cost Model (wa.gov)
- Palisade(2014) Life Cycle Cost Analysis Using @RISK - YouTube
- Pavement Interactive () Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
- PIARC(2016) Best Practice of LCA of Tunnel Equipment (회원에게 제공)
- SPORT ENGLAND Facility cost guidance | Sport England
- SPORT ENGLAND Facility Costs 1Q22 (sportengland-production-files.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com)
- Standford University Land Buildings (2005) Guidelines for LCC Analysis
- State of Alaska - Department of Education and Early Development (2018) Life Cycle Cost Analysis Handbook
- SFM Office (2018) LIFE CYCLE COST ANALYSIS GUIDELINES 2018 State Fire Marshal’s Office Department of Public Safety
- Texas DOT ( ) Pavements Life Cycle Cost Analysis Guide
# Thompson
- Thompson and Shepard (2000) AASHTO Commonly-Recognized Bridge Elements Successful Applications and Lessons Learned
- OMB Circular Circulars - The White House
Circulars - The White House
Instructions or information issued by OMB to Federal agencies. These are expected to have a continuing effect of two years or more. To obtain circulars that are not available on-line, please call the Office of Management and Budget’s information line at
- OMB (2022) Circular No. A-94 (whitehouse.gov) (Revised)
- OMB (2022) Nominal Treasury Interest Rates for Different Maturities
- OBM (2022) M-22-13 2022 Discount Rates for OMB Circular No. A-94 (whitehouse.gov)
- OMB Circula A-94 Circular A-94 (whitehouse.gov)
# Transport for NSW
- NSW, Transport for NSW (2005) Life Cycle Costing Guidelines
- TRB (2016) NCHRP Systhesis Report 494 Life-Cycle Cost Analysis for Management of Highway Assets (2016)
- TRB (2003) NCHRP Report 483 – Bridge Life-Cycle Cost Analysis (trb.org)
- NCHRP 133 Procedures for Estimating Highway User Costs, Air Pollution, and Noise Effects nchrp_rpt_133.pdf (trb.org)
- Estimating Life Expectancies of Highway Assets, Volume 2: Final Report |The National Academies Press
- NCHRP Report 713: Estimating Life Expectancies of Highway Assets, Volume 1: Guidebook (nacto.org)
- UQ Architecture Life Cycle Costing - Concepts - YouTube
- USDA (2008) Life-Cycle Cost Analysis for Buildings Is Easier Than You Thought
- Wathne (2014) LCC Analysis for Paverments: Background & History
- Wathne (2020) Life Cycle Cost Analysis Basics & What Matters? (PPT자료)
- WBDG Life-Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) | WBDG - Whole Building Design Guide
- Investopedia Whole-Life Cost Whole-Life Cost Definition
# Wikipedia
- Wikipedia Life-cycle cost analysis - Wikipedia
- Wikipedia Whole-life cost - Wikipedia
# 국토안전관리원 (구 한국시설안전기술공단)
- 건설교통부/한국시설안전기술공단(2002) 교량의 LCC 분석모델 개발 및 DB 구축방안 연구
- 한국시설안전기술공단(2006) 지하도로시설물(터널, 지하차도)의 LCC 예측모델 및 시스템 개발
# 국토교통부
- 국토교통부 기술기준과 (2008) 생애주기비용 (LCC) 분석 및 평가요령
- 김기헌(2013) 터널 유지관리 단계의 생애주기비용분석 적용
- 김성필 (2006) 최소 기대비용과 단위공정에 의한 연직배수시설의 확률론적 설계
- 김정환 (2008) 생애주기비용(Life Cycle Cost)을 고려한 도로포장의 자산가치 평가 방안
- 김태희 외 4인 (2008) 공공기설물의 생애주기비용 평가기준 개발
- 대전세종연구원 (2017) 효율적인 도로유지관리 방안 연구
- 신성엔지니어링.용마엔지니어링 () SCP 합성거더에 대한 VE/LCC 분석
- 신태균 외 () LCC분석을 통한 철도 교량의 최적 대안 선정에 관한 연구
- 윤점원 (2002) 최소기대생애주기비용에 기초한 강 교량 최적 유지 관리 전략에 관한 연구
# 임종권
- 임종권 LCC관련 문헌 다운로드
- 임종권 (1999) 구조수명간 최소기대비용에 기초한 교량의 최적내진안전수준의 결정을 위한 신뢰성해석기법
- 임종권 외 2인 (2004) 확률적 LCC분석기법을 활용한 수도시설물의 설계VA모델에 관한 연구
- 정기사 8. 생애주기비용분석 (Life Cycle Cost Analysis) 개념 - YouTube
# 조효남/임종권
- 조효남 외 2인 (2001) 기대생애주기비용의 최소화에 의한 교량의 최적내진신뢰성
- 조효남 외 4인 (2003) 강교의 생애주기비용 최적설계
- 조효남 외 3인 (2005) 터널구조물의 유지관리 의사결정을 위한 생애주기비용 분석 모델
- 조효남, 임종권, 박경훈 (2006) 기반시설물의 생애주기비용 분석
- 한국개발연구원 (2009) 예비타당성조사 수행을 위한 도로부분의 유지관리비 추정 연구
# 한국건설산업연구원
- 한국건설산업연구원() 건설사업의 LCC 분석 기법 및 적용방안
# 한국도로공사
- 한국도로공사(2015) 고속도로 교량의 중장기 유지관리 비용 예측을 위한 모델 개발
- 허정호 (2015) 공공 시설물 LCC 분석결과 평가방식의 문제점 분석을 통한 개선방안 도출
- 허인 외 (2011) 고속도로 LCC분석시 연간일상유지관리 개념의 적용
- 미시시피 DOT의 2007 년 국가 LCCA 조사
- 교량에 LCCA 적용 (공공 도로 기사)
- National Institute of Standards and Technology의 BridgeLCC 소프트웨어
- 캘리포니아 DOT LCCA
- 선택한 고속도로 건설 비용에 대한 캘리포니아 DOT 가격 지수
- 루이지애나에서 입찰 보상 기준으로 사용 된 LCCA
- 사우스 캐롤라이나 DOT에서 실시한 전국 LCCA 설문 조사
- 뉴욕주 DOT 포장 설계 매뉴얼 (부록 5a 참조)
- 오하이오 DOT 재료 가격 지수
- 워싱턴 주 입법부 LCCA 성명
- FHWA 고속도로 건설 비용 증가 문제 웹 사이트
- 미국 OMB Circular A-94
[JK문헌링크서비스] 시설물 LCC(생애주기비용) 분석 참고문헌 링크 및 다운로드
# 아이엠기술단
- 중소기업청 기술이전 사업 보고서
아이엠기술단(2006) 중소기업청 이전기술개발사업 최종보고서(최종).pdf
# 한국도로공사
- 한국도로공사(2003) 고속도로 교량형식별 생애주기비용(LCC)분석 연구
한국도로공사(2003) 고속도로 교량형식별 생애주기비용(LCC)분석 연구.pdf
고속도로 교량형식별 생애주기비용분석 기술기사_0414.pdf
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