[Tali Sharot] 낙관적편향 탈리 샤롯 자료
1. 위키피디어 Tali Sharot - Wikipedia Tali Sharot - Wikipedia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Cognitive neuroscientist Tali Sharot is an Israeli/British/American neuroscientist and professor of cognitive neuroscience at University College London and MIT. Sharot began studying at Tel Aviv University, receiving a en.wikipedia.org 2. 집필서적 3. 동영상 https://youtu.be/B8rmi95pYL0 https://youtu.be/xp0O2v..
2023.02.21 -
[AVR Famous Speakers] 인지 신경과학자(Cognitive Neurosientist) 탈리 샤롯 (Tali Sharot)교수의 강의 영상 모음
2020. The Influential Mind 인터뷰 영상 | Talk at London Business Forum 2018 Is Your Brain Lying to You? 당신의 두뇌는 당신에게 거짓말을 하고 있는가? | Talks at Chicago Ideas Week Tali Sharot: Why facts don't unify us (사실이 우리를 통합하지 못하는 이유)| Talks at World Economic Furum 2017. The Influential Mind (영향력있는 마음) 2017 Becoming aware of our biases (우리의 편견에 대한 이해) |Talks at Huxley Summit 2017 INSIDE THE HUMAN MIND (인간의 마음 속에) |..