[JK문헌링크서비스] 가치공학(Value Engineering)
가치관리(Value Management) 참고문헌 및 유용한 링크(Useful Links)
2023년 올 하반기에는 세종대학교 건축학과에서
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건설VE(Value Engineering)를 중심으로 강의합니다.
주별 강의때 참고 및 인용한 문헌을 아래에서 업데이트하겠습니다.
제1주차 인용문헌
- 건설교통부(2006) 설계VE 업무 매뉴얼 & 공공건설사업 VE적용 사례집
- 서울특별시(기술심사담당관) (2015) 설계의 경제성검토(VE) 가이드라인
- 한국환경공단 (2017) 설계VE 업무 매뉴얼
- 건설교통부 (2006) 설계VE 업무 매뉴얼
- 건설기술진흥법 시행령 대통령령 제32274호, 2021. 12. 28. 타법개정
- 총사업비관리지침 기획재정부지침 제317호, 2017. 1. 1. 일부개정
김병수 한국VE연구원 원장의 시공VE 및 리스크 활성화 노력 (tistory.com)
허문수 (2022) “시공VE 활성화, 시공 원가절감과 원가율 제고할 것”:매일건설신문 (mcnews.co.kr)
- 서울특별시(기술심사담당관) (2015) 설계의 경제성검토(VE) 가이드라인
- 2022 건설공사 설계의 경제성 등 검토 사례집 (New!)
- 2021 건설공사 설계의 경제성 등 검토 사례집 (New!)
- Stewart, R 가치공학의 원리 | ROBERT B.STEWART 임종권 외 역
- 임종권 [VB뉴스] 임종권 (2021) 신가치공학(VE/Value Engineering) - 블로그버전 책 소개 (varmbrain.kr)
- 임종권(2010) 시공VE 선택 아닌 필수 - 토목신문 (cenews.co.kr)
- 철도건설사업의 효율적인 VE수행을 위한 성능측정기법 315.hwp (koreascience.kr)
- 임종권(2010) 하천사업의 설계VE 적용
- 임종권 [K-Risk 전문가견해] 임종권.김헌(2020) 가치중심적 VE를 위해 왜 VE+RA 통합형 접근방식에 관심을 가져야 하는가 (tistory.com)
- 한국환경공단 (2017) 설계VE 업무 매뉴얼
- 한국건설VE연구원(2015) [보고서]시공VE 제도 및 VE용역대가기준 개선방안 연구 (kisti.re.kr)
- Adams, Ginger R. and Hays, R. Terry (1999) "The Value of Time," SAVE International Conference Paper. The content of this section is condensed from this reference.
- Adams, Virginia, (2004) “FAST Doesn't Flow” This section is condensed from a technical paper presented at the 2004 SAVE International Conference in Montreal, Quebec.
- Akiyama, Kaneo (1991) “Function Analysis: Systematic Improvement of Quality and Performance,” Productivity Press.
- American Customer Satisfaction (2004) Data collected form the American Customer Satisfaction Index, 2004
- AASHTO (2017) Guidelines for Value Engineering
- Adams Functions and FAST Diagrams
- Blake, Robert R. and Jane S. Mouton (1985). The Managerial Grid III: The Key to Leadership Excellence. Houston: Gulf Publishing Co.
- Bolman, Lee and T. Deal (1991). Reframing Organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- ASTM E1699-14 Standard Practice for Performing Value Engineering (VE)/Value Analysis (VA) of Projects, Products and Processes (astm.org)
- ASTM E2013-20 Standard Practice for Developing Functions, Constructing FAST Diagrams, and Performing Function Analysis During Value Engineering (VE)/Value Analysis (VA) Study (astm.org)
- Caltrans Value engineering | WSDOT (wa.gov)
- Chamberlin, T.C. (1890) The method of multiple working hypotheses : Science (old series) v.15, p. 92-96 ; reprinted 1965, v. 148, p.754-759
City of NY
- City of New York (2018) East Side Coastal Resiliency Project
Connecticut DOT
- Connecticut DOT (2016) State Proejct No. 63-703 Relocation of I-91 NB Interchange 29 & Widening of I-91 VE Report
Colorado DOT
- Colorado DOT (2022) I-25 Operational Improvements, Fillmore to Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, CO
- Colorado DOT (2021) I-25 Operational Improvements, Fillmore to Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, CO
- Colorado DOT (2021) I-70 West Vail Pass Auxiliary Lanes Eagle County, Colorado
- Colorado DOT (2020) SH7 (Lower) Permanent Pavement Repair Project VE July 2020
- Colorado DOT (2020) I-70 Bethune Pavement Reconstruction VE Jan 2020.pdf
- Colorado DOT (2020) I-70 Genoa Pavement Reconstruction VE Jan 2020.pdf
- Colorado DOT (2020) I-70 Genoa Pavement Reconstruction VE Jan 2020.pdf
- Colorado DOT (2018) Wadsworth Widening VE Sept 2018.pdf
- Colorado DOT (2018) I-70 WB PPSL VE August 2018.pdf
- Colorado DOT (2018) SH 21 Powers & Research Interchange VE May 2018.pdf
- Colorado DOT (2017) I-70 Arriba Pavement Reconstruction VE Sept 2017.pdf
- Colorado DOT (2013) Grand Avenue Bridge Final Report VE Study 12-18-2013
- Colorado DOT (2013) US 6 Wadsworth Interchange VE Study Final Report 7-30-13
- Colorado DOT (2013) I-25 Dillon Drive Final Report VE Study June 2013
- Colorado DOT (2013) I-25 Managed Lanes VE Study Report & Responses Jan 2013
- Colorado DOT (2012) US 36 Managed Lane Phase II VE Report May 2012
- Colorado DOT (2012) Pecos over I-70 Bridge Replacement VE Study Report Feb 15, 2012
- Colorado DOT (2011) I-25 North Design-Build Final Report VE Study March 2011
- Colorado DOT (2011) I-225 Mississippi to Parker Final Report VE Study Feb 2011
- Cooper, Robert (1998) “Product Leadership,” Perseus Books
- Cretu, Ovidiu et al (2014) 건설 프로젝트 설계 및 시공 리스크관리, 임종권.이민재 역, 구미서관
- De Marle, David (1992) Value-Its Measurement, Design & Management, Wiley, New York
Defense Logistics Agency, US
The US Defense Logistics Agency https://youtu.be/i09m6m5i2I8
- ENR (2004), Construction Cost Index History, McGraw Hill
Erickson McGovern Architects
- Erickson McGovern Architects (2020) Challenger High School VE Study Report
- Fallon, Carlos (1965) Practical Use of Decision Theory in Value Engineering, pp.45-49, Journal of Value Engineering)
- Fallon, Carlos (1965) Value and Decision, RCA Monograph
- Halliday, David. 1983. “Steve Paul Jobs”. Current Biography 5
FHWA 미 연방도로청
- FHWA VE Home Value Engineering - Design - Federal Highway Administration (dot.gov)
- FHWA, US DOT (1990) Memorandum-Purpose and Need in Environmental Documents
- FHWA Value Engineering Change Proposals - Contract Administration - Construction - Federal Highway Administration (dot.gov)
- FHWA Best Practices in the Value Engineering Program - Value Engineering - Design - Federal Highway Administration (dot.gov)
- FHWA 2021 Value Engineering Summary Report - Federal Highway Administration (dot.gov)
- FHWA Summary Reports - Value Engineering - Design - Federal Highway Administration (dot.gov)
- FHWA Why Perform Value Engineering Reviews? - About - Value Engineering - Design - Federal Highway Administration (dot.gov)
- FHWA Video https://youtu.be/soZavBuk8Ns
- FHWA Job Plan - About - Value Engineering - Design - Federal Highway Administration (dot.gov)
- FHWA The Value Engineering (VE) Process and Job Plan - About - Value Engineering - Design - Federal Highway Administration (dot.gov)
- FHWA 23 CFR Part 627
- FHWA VE Policy FHWA Order 1311.1B - Resources | Federal Highway Administration (dot.gov)
- FHWA Value Engineering Requirements for Federal-aid Projects https://youtu.be/soZavBuk8Ns
Furstoss (2016) Value Methodology... building disruption https://youtu.be/VlhEHo07BgA
GSA (General Services Adminitation)
- General Services Adminitation (1992), Value Engineering Program Guide for Design & Construction
- GSA Value Engineering | GSA
- Fowler, Theodore C. (1990) Value Analysis in Design, Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
- IDA (2006) Value Engineering Handbook
- Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) (2006) Value Engineering Handbook
IDAHO Transportation Department
- IDAHO (2013) Value Engineering Guidelines Idaho Transportation Department
- Kaufman, J.J. (1994) “The Principles and Applications of Function Analysis System Technique.” J.J. Kaufman & Associates. This section draws upon the research of Jerry Kaufman's in the construction and application of FAST diagrams.
- Keirsey, David & Bates, Marilyn (1978) “Please Understand Me: Character & Temperament Types,” Prometheus Nemesis Books Co.
- Miller-Williams et al. (2002) “Change the Way You Persuade,” published by Harvard Business School Publishing
JK Infra AVR
- JK Infra AVR 829 [JK Useful Links] 건축경제학 - 보충자료 프로젝트 리스크관리의 이해 및 실무 (tistory.com)
- JK Infra AVR 인프라 AVR (자산관리AM.가치관리VM.리스크관리RM) 지식정보 공유 (tistory.com)
Miles Value Foundation
Miles Value Foundation
Advancing the Value Methodology by Implementing Initiatives to: Innovate | Educate | Advocate
- MVF Miles Value Foundation Legacy https://youtu.be/ctkEpHcKUfk
- MVF A Gift of Value https://youtu.be/khO141wdcLs
- Miles, Eleanor https://youtu.be/zsFyTrtW0lA
- MVF The Story of Value Analysis https://youtu.be/4HxHVLAsahc
- MVF A Tribute to Lawrence D. Miles https://youtu.be/rWEDT3jbg4Y
- Miles, Lawrence D. (1972) Techniques of Value Analysis and Engineering - 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, New York
- Mudge, Arthur E.(1989) Value Engineering: A Systematic Approach, J. Pohl Associates, Pittsburgh, PA
Minnesota DOT
- Minnesota DOT (2013) TH 952a, Robert Street Improvements SP 1908-84 VE Study Report
Value Engineering in the Netherlands https://youtu.be/V_h9P83L1Ok
- NJDOT(2017) NJDOT Value Engineering Process Guideline
- New South Wales Treasury (2004), Total Asset Management - Value Management Guideline
- O'Brien, J.J (1976) Value Analysis in Design and Construction, McGraw-Hill, New York
- O'brien, James J.(1987) Lawrence D. Miles Recollections, Miles Value Foundation - Excerpts relating to the historical development of Value Analysis, included by permission of the Miles Value Foundation.
- Office of Management and Budget - the latest information on Nominal Treasury Interest Rates, maintains a website at www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/index.html
Oregon DOT
- Oregon DOT (2020) Directive DES 01-03 - Value Engineering Program for Transportation Projects
- Oregon DOT (2019) I-5 Aurora - Donald Interchange
- Oregon DOT Oregon Department of Transportation : Project Risk Management, Value Engineering and Constructability Reviews : Engineering : State of Oregon
- Plous, Scott(1933) The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making, McGraw-Hill Higher Education,
- Project Managemenet Institute(PMI) (2000) A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge
- RICS (2017) RICS professional standards and guidance, UK - Value management and value engineering 1st edition.
- Rosenthal, Robert and Jacobson, Lenore (1992). Pygmalion in the Classroom: Teacher Expectation and Pupils' Intellectual Development. Irvington Publishers: New York, 1992.
- Ruggiero, Vincent Ryan(2002) Becoming a Critical Thinker, Houghton Mifflin Company, New York
- Saaty, T.L. (1980) The Analytical Hierarchical Process, McGraw Hill, New York.
Stewart, R
- Stewart, R. (2006) 가치공학의 원리 | ROBERT B.STEWART - 교보문고 (kyobobook.co.kr)
- Stewart, R. (2009) Value Optimization for Project and Performance Management
SAVE International
- SAVE International Function Analysis System Technique - The Basics
- SAVE International (2020) VM_Glossary_of_Terms
- SAVE International (2019) VM Guide - A Guide to the Value Methodology Body of Knowledge
- SAVE International (2016) Function Analysis Guide: A Supplement to the SAVE Body of Knowledge 1st Ed.
- SAVE International (2022) Consultant Directory
- SAVE (2017) Value Engineering Results https://youtu.be/llHqgpe6mWM
- SAVE (2016) the Power of VE / VE Channel https://youtu.be/DdDxMRWyp7Y
- SAVE Video https://youtu.be/vGYttC2Bg00
- Urban Legends Reference Pages, Information regarding urban legends collected from www.snopes.com. ⓒ1995-2004, by Barbara and David P. Mikkelson
- Updegraff, Robert (1953) Obvious Adams: the Story of a Successful Businessman, Reprinted by Kessinger Press, 2004.
- Von Oech, Roger(1983) A Whack on the Side of the Head: How to Unlock Your Mind for Innovation, Warner Books Edition, New York
- VDOT Value Engineering - Projects | Virginia Department of Transportation (virginiadot.org)
- VDOT FY 2014 Annual Rpt.doc (virginiadot.org)
- VDOT Value Engineering - Projects | Virginia Department of Transportation (virginiadot.org)
Virginia DOT
- Virginia DOT VDOT Value Engineering https://youtu.be/QTPzY5J4s6w
VMS Inc.
- Value Management Strategies Value Management Strategies – Solutions & Resources for Large Scale Portfolios (vms-inc.com)
- Stewart (2009) Recent Trends in Risk Management for Transportation Projects 8월학회-뒤집기파일 (koreascience.kr)
- VMS Inc. () Ordot Dump Closure, Guam (2005) Ordot Dump Closure, Guam VE Report
Wikipedia Value engineering - Wikipedia
- Woller, Jill (2004) “Value Engineering(VE) 401: Pitfalls and Missteps and How to Avoid Them,” 2004 SAVE International Conference Proceedings. This section is condensed from Ms. Woller's excellent paper. She has managed the VE Program for the City of New York's Office of Management and Budget for nearly 20 years.
- WSDOT () VERA Report Template (wa.gov)
- WSDOT () Value Engineering Workshop Job Plan (PPT 설명자료)
- WSDOT Workshop Request Form (DOCX 132KB)
- WSDOT Value Engineering Job Plan (PDF 702KB)
- WSDOT Value Engineering Job Plan (PDF 702KB)
- WSDOT Value Engineering with Risk Assessment (PDF 234KB)
- WSDOT Value Engineering Report Template (ftp site)
- WSDOT Value Engineering – Risk Assessment Report (VERA) template (PDF 38KB)
- WSDOT What is Value Engineering? (PDF 270KB)
- WSDOT Does my project need a VE Study? (PDF 13KB)
- WSDOT Combining a CRA with a VE Study (PDF 164KB)
- WSDOT Design Manual Chapter 305 - Project Management (PDF 800KB)
- WSDOT Design Manual Chapter 310 - Value Engineering (PDF 796KB)
- WSDOT Value engineering | WSDOT (wa.gov)
- ACAV - Associacó Catalana d'Anàlisi del Valor (Spain)
- AFAV - Association française pour l'analyse de la valeur (France)
- AIAV - Associazione Italiana per la Gestione e l'Analisi del Valore (Italy)
- APAV - Associação Portuguesa para a Análise do Valor (Portugal)
- AVD asbl - Association pour le développement de l'analyse de la valeur (AVD) asbl (Belgium)
- AVALOR - Asociación Aragonesa de Análisis del Valor (Spain)
- CSVA - Canadian Society of Value Analysis (Canada)
- INVEST - Indian Value Engineering Society (India)
- IVMA - Institute of Value Management Australia (Australia)
- IVM - The Institute of Value Management (UK)
- KVEI - Korea Value Engineering Research Institute 한국VE연구원 (Korea)
- MÉT - Magyar értékelemzõk társasága | Society of Hungarian Value Analysts [1] (Hungary)
- SAVE International - "The Value Society" (United States of America)
- SIVE - Society of Iranian Value Engineering (Iran)
- SJVE - Society of Japanese Value Engineering (Japan)
- SKVM - Society of Korean Value Management (Korea)
- VMIT Value Management Institute of Tiwan VMIT@Taiwan - 英文(EN)
다음은 주제별로 별도로 분류한 겁니다.
VE Job Plan (VE 잡플랜)
- 건설교통부(2006) 설계VE업무매뉴얼 법령 및 규정 - 국토교통부(구 건설교통부) 설계VE매뉴얼 (kvei.or.kr)
- FHWA Job Plan 동영상 Value Engineering Requirements for Federal-aid Projects - YouTube
- FHWA VE Job Plan The Value Engineering (VE) Process and Job Plan - About - Value Engineering - Design - Federal Highway Administration (dot.gov)
- INVEST VE Job Plan CVS Certification - VE Job Plan (invest-in.org)
- MoDOT Engineering Policy Guide Category:130 Value Engineering - Engineering_Policy_Guide (modot.org)
- SAVE International VE Job Plan About Value Engineering - SAVE International (value-eng.org)
- Value Analysis Canda Value Analysis in Depth - Canadian Society of Value Analysis
- WBDG (Whole Building Design Guide) Value Engineering | WBDG - Whole Building Design Guide
- WSDOT Value Engineering Workshop Job Plan (wa.gov)
VE 국제표준
- 미국재료시험협회 American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM) Standard Practice for Performing Value Engineering (VE)/Value Analysis (VA) of Projects, Products and Processes
- 미국재료시험협회 American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM) Standard Practice for Constructing FAST Diagrams and Performing Function Analysis During Value Analysis Study, ASTM E2013-12, Active Standard
- 독일엔지니어링협회 VDI – Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V. | VDI
- 영국표준 BS 12973:2000 Value Management
- 호주/뉴질랜드 표준 AS/NZS 4183:1994
VE 제도
- 국토교통부 설계 VE제도 Korea Value Engineering Policy
- 국토교통부 고시 제2018-244호 설계공모, 기본설계 등의 시행 및 설계의 경제성 등 검토에 관한 지침 (제75조 참조)
- 기획재정부지침 제317호 총사업비 관리 지침 (제21조, 제57조 참조)
- 대통령령 제32274호 건설기술진흥법 시행령 (제7조 참조)
VE 주요기관
- AASHTO AASHTO - Subcommittee on Design - Value Engineering (transportation.org)
- ADOT 미국 애리조나DOT Value Engineering | ADOT (azdot.gov)
- Caltrans 미국 캘리포니어교통부 Caltrans Value Analysis
- FTA 미국 연방교통국 Value Engineering (VE) on Transit Projects | FTA (dot.gov)
- FHWA 미국 연방도로청 Value Engineering - Design - Federal Highway Administration (dot.gov)
- GAO 미국 국가책무원 https://www.gao.gov/
- GSA 미국 일반서비스관리청 Implementing Value Engineering | GSA
- ODOT 오레곤교통부
- OMB 미국 관리예산국 Office of Management and Budget
- USACE 미국 유군공병단 Value Engineering (army.mil)
- WSDOT 미국 워싱턴주교통부 WSDOT Value Engineering
- 임종권 인프라AVR블로그 Infra VM.AM.RM (daum.net)
- 한국VE연구원 Korea Value Engineering Institute
- 한국VM협회 Society of Korean Value Methodology (SKVM)
- 한국밸류업협동조합 Korea Value Up Cooperative
- 한국도로공사 hi-value VE | 한국도로공사 (ex.co.kr)
- 한국환경공단 설계의 경제성 등 검토(VE) | 한국환경공단 (keco.or.kr)
- VEpedia VEpedia WiKi- 위키독 (wikidok.net)
VE 주요협회(세계)
- 대만VM협회 Value Management Institute of Taiwan (VMIT)
- 독일엔지니어링협회 Association of German Engineers (VDI)
- 영국VM협회 The Insitute of Value Management (IVM)
- 인도VE협회 Indian Value Engineering Society (INVEST)
- 일본VE협회 Society of Japanese Value Engineering (SJVE)
- 캐나다VA협회 Value Analysis Canada (VAC)
- 헝가리VE협회 Society of Hungarian Value Analysts (SHVA)
- 호주VM협회 The Institute of Value Management Austraila
VE 실적
- 한국환경공단 2021년도 VE수행 실적
- 한국환경공단 2020년도 VE수행 실적
- LH 2021년 설계VE보고서
Wertanalyse.com 인터넷 |에서의 가치 분석 가치 분석 및 가치 관리에 대한 링크. (wertanalyse.com)
전문저널 및 학회지
SAVE VALUE WORLD Value World – Adding Value. Enhancing Ideas. (value-world.org)
SAVE International SAVE International (value-eng.org)
Miles Value Foundation Miles Value Foundation
2023 Value Summit - SAVE International (value-eng.org)