[JK Useful Links] 가치공학(Value Engineering) 가치관리(Value Management) 참고문헌 및 유용한 링크 정보 연결 (23.09.01)

2023. 11. 26. 15:20@JK 강의 소통공간/L00. Useful Links 서비스

[JK문헌링크서비스] 가치공학(Value Engineering)

가치관리(Value Management) 참고문헌 및 유용한 링크(Useful  Links)

2023년 올 하반기에는 세종대학교 건축학과에서
"건축경제학"을 강의합니다.
건설VE(Value Engineering)를 중심으로 강의합니다.

주별 강의때 참고 및 인용한 문헌을 아래에서 업데이트하겠습니다.

제1주차 인용문헌





  • 총사업비관리지침 기획재정부지침 제317호, 2017. 1. 1. 일부개정



김병수 한국VE연구원 원장의 시공VE 및 리스크 활성화 노력 (tistory.com)

허문수 (2022) “시공VE 활성화, 시공 원가절감과 원가율 제고할 것”:매일건설신문 (mcnews.co.kr)





  • Adams, Ginger R. and Hays, R. Terry (1999) "The Value of Time," SAVE International Conference Paper. The content of this section is condensed from this reference.
  • Adams, Virginia, (2004) “FAST Doesn't Flow” This section is condensed from a technical paper presented at the 2004 SAVE International Conference in Montreal, Quebec.
  • Akiyama, Kaneo (1991) “Function Analysis: Systematic Improvement of Quality and Performance,” Productivity Press.
  • American Customer Satisfaction (2004) Data collected form the American Customer Satisfaction Index, 2004


Adams() Functions and Fast Diagrams.pdf


  • Blake, Robert R. and Jane S. Mouton (1985). The Managerial Grid III: The Key to Leadership Excellence. Houston: Gulf Publishing Co.
  • Bolman, Lee and T. Deal (1991). Reframing Organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.



  • Chamberlin, T.C. (1890) The method of multiple working hypotheses : Science (old series) v.15, p. 92-96 ; reprinted 1965, v. 148, p.754-759

City of NY

Connecticut DOT

Colorado DOT

  • De Marle, David (1992) Value-Its Measurement, Design & Management, Wiley, New York

Defense Logistics Agency, US

The US Defense Logistics Agency https://youtu.be/i09m6m5i2I8


  • ENR (2004), Construction Cost Index History, McGraw Hill


Erickson McGovern Architects

  • Erickson McGovern Architects (2020) Challenger High School VE Study Report

  • Fallon, Carlos (1965) Practical Use of Decision Theory in Value Engineering, pp.45-49, Journal of Value Engineering)
  • Fallon, Carlos (1965) Value and Decision, RCA Monograph


  • Halliday, David. 1983. “Steve Paul Jobs”. Current Biography 5

FHWA 미 연방도로청



Furstoss (2016) Value Methodology... building disruption https://youtu.be/VlhEHo07BgA




GSA (General Services Adminitation)

  • General Services Adminitation (1992), Value Engineering Program Guide for Design & Construction
  • GSA Value Engineering | GSA

  • Fowler, Theodore C. (1990) Value Analysis in Design, Nostrand Reinhold, New York.



IDAHO Transportation Department

  • Kaufman, J.J. (1994) “The Principles and Applications of Function Analysis System Technique.” J.J. Kaufman & Associates. This section draws upon the research of Jerry Kaufman's in the construction and application of FAST diagrams.
  • Keirsey, David & Bates, Marilyn (1978) “Please Understand Me: Character & Temperament Types,” Prometheus Nemesis Books Co.


  • Miller-Williams et al. (2002) “Change the Way You Persuade,” published by Harvard Business School Publishing 

JK Infra AVR


Miles Value Foundation


Miles Value Foundation

Advancing the Value Methodology by Implementing Initiatives to: Innovate | Educate | Advocate








  • Miles, Lawrence D. (1972) Techniques of Value Analysis and Engineering - 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, New York

  • Mudge, Arthur E.(1989) Value Engineering: A Systematic Approach, J. Pohl Associates, Pittsburgh, PA

Minnesota DOT


Value Engineering in the Netherlands https://youtu.be/V_h9P83L1Ok




  • New South Wales Treasury (2004), Total Asset Management - Value Management Guideline

  • O'Brien, J.J (1976) Value Analysis in Design and Construction, McGraw-Hill, New York
  • O'brien, James J.(1987) Lawrence D. Miles Recollections, Miles Value Foundation - Excerpts relating to the historical development of Value Analysis, included by permission of the Miles Value Foundation.


Oregon DOT

  • Plous, Scott(1933) The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making, McGraw-Hill Higher Education,


  • Project Managemenet Institute(PMI) (2000) A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge


  • Rosenthal, Robert and Jacobson, Lenore (1992). Pygmalion in the Classroom: Teacher Expectation and Pupils' Intellectual Development. Irvington Publishers: New York, 1992.
  • Ruggiero, Vincent Ryan(2002) Becoming a Critical Thinker, Houghton Mifflin Company, New York

  • Saaty, T.L. (1980) The Analytical Hierarchical Process, McGraw Hill, New York.


Stewart, R


SAVE International

  • SAVE International Function Analysis System Technique - The Basics

SAVE International FAST기초.pdf




  • Urban Legends Reference Pages, Information regarding urban legends collected from www.snopes.com. ⓒ1995-2004, by Barbara and David P. Mikkelson
  • Updegraff, Robert (1953) Obvious Adams: the Story of a Successful Businessman, Reprinted by Kessinger Press, 2004.


  • Von Oech, Roger(1983) A Whack on the Side of the Head: How to Unlock Your Mind for Innovation, Warner Books Edition, New York


Virginia DOT 


VMS Inc.


Wikipedia Value engineering - Wikipedia


  • Woller, Jill (2004) “Value Engineering(VE) 401: Pitfalls and Missteps and How to Avoid Them,” 2004 SAVE International Conference Proceedings. This section is condensed from Ms. Woller's excellent paper. She has managed the VE Program for the City of New York's Office of Management and Budget for nearly 20 years.





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VE Job Plan (VE 잡플랜)


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VE 제도 

VE 주요기관

VE 주요협회(세계)

VE 실적




Wertanalyse.com 인터넷 |에서의 가치 분석 가치 분석 및 가치 관리에 대한 링크. (wertanalyse.com)




전문저널 및 학회지

SAVE VALUE WORLD Value World – Adding Value. Enhancing Ideas. (value-world.org)


SAVE International SAVE International (value-eng.org)

Miles Value Foundation Miles Value Foundation


2023 Value Summit - SAVE International (value-eng.org)