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[AVR 뉴스] 2020 SAVE Summit 프로그램 소개(리스크 주제 포함)

바름브레인 VARM Brain CEO 2020. 6. 3. 14:39

1. 2020.06.03 기준 SAVE International의 2020 Value Summit 어젠더 파일 다운로드를 하실려면 아래 클릭하세요

Value Summit Agenda(2020.06.03기준).pdf


2. 행사 전후의 일정은 제외하고 6/8~10 (3일간의 프로그램은 아래와 같습니다) (붉은 글씨로 적힌 부분이 "Risk"와 관련된 주제입니다. 


3. 이 행사의 주제 발표에 대하여 발표내용을 다시 복귀하며 6/13 (토) 오전 9시반 부터 종일 리스크토론회를 기획하였으며 함께 공부.토론하실 분은 참가 신청해 주세요. 참가신청은 아래를 클릭하세요. 



[AVR 스터디] 2020 Value Summit 1일 리스크토론회에 함께할 분을 찾습니다.

사상 처음으로 온라인 컨퍼런스로 진행되는 SAVE International에 제가 3일 짜리 등록을 했습니다. 이 온라인 컨퍼런스에 리스크 주제 세션이 첫날(6/8) 집중적으로 있습니다. 여기서 발표하는 Ovidiu Cre


<  2020년 6월 8일 (미국 태평양시 기준) >

미국 오전 7시반은 우리나라시간으로 오후 11시반입니다. 


7:30 AM – 8:00 AM      PLENARY                                                                                                                       

Renee Hoekstra, CVS, SAVE International President     


8:00 AM – 10:00 AM    BLOCK 1 (TRANSPORTATION TRACK)             

8:00 AM              Base Uncertainty in Cost Estimating and the Implications in Value Engineering

Presenters: Ovidiu Cretu, PhD, PE (HNTB Corporation); Grace Olaleye (HNTB Corporation)

PDUs: 0.5 Hours / Core Competency: Function Analysis

8:30 AM              Risk Analysis Details and Options for Use in Establishing Contingencies

Presenters: Ovidiu Cretu, PhD, PE (HNTB Corporation); Grace Olaleye (HNTB Corporation)

PDUs: 0.5 Hours / Core Competency: Function Analysis

9:00 AM             FHWA - Risk from FHWA perspective and use of Value Engineering in project delivery; Probabilistic Risk Based Estimating

Presenter: Pete Garcia (Federal Highway Administration)

PDUs: 0.5 Hours / Core Competency: Value Program


9:30 AM              Baseline – Confirming Interchange VE Study Yields $11M Cost Savings

Presenter: Warren Knoles, PE, CVS (Crawford, Murphy & Tilly)

PDUs: 0.5 Hours / Core Competency: Transform Information    


10:30 AM – 12:30 PM   BLOCK 2 (TRANSPORTATION TRACK)     

10:30 AM             Modern Unit Price Visualization and Estimating Tool for Highway Agencies

Presenters: K. Joseph Shrestha, PhD (East Tennessee State University) and H. David Jeong, PhD (Texas A & M University)

PDUs – 0.5 Hours / Core Competency: Function Analysis          


11:00 AM              Risk Management and Allocation in Design-Build for Transportation Projects

Presenter: Mark Gabel, MSCE, PE, CVS (Washington State Department of Transportation)

PDUs – 0.5 Hours / Core Competency: Function Analysis          


11:30 AM              Building a VE Program - Oregon DOT

Presenter: Zach Davis (Oregon Department of Transportation)   

PDUs: 0.5 Hours / Core Competency: Value Program  


12:00 PM             Considering Cognitive Bias in Value Engineering Studies

Presenter: Mark Sujka (Washington State Department of Transportation)

PDUs: 0.5 Hours / Core Competency: Team Facilitation              


1:00 PM – 2:00 PM       PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SESSION: VM Report Training

PDUs: 1.0 hours / Core Competency: Post-Workshop Stage

Presenter: Laurie Dennis, CVS-Life, PE

Laurie is a past President of SAVE International and past member and past Executive Director for the SAVE Certification Board. She is a licensed professional engineer and Certified Value Specialist. She provides VE Leadership and has more than 30 years of experience in engineering and design, construction management and project management. She has bachelor’s degrees both in civil engineering and construction with a broad range of project experience in the private and public sectors, including healthcare, correctional, educational, performing arts, commercial and industrial facilities. She has participated in all phases of project development, from site evaluation and value engineering studies through bid and award as well as on site construction management. Laurie has provided training services and VE study leadership throughout the United States and abroad.  


The Value Engineer (VE) report is often overlooked during value training with little or no guidance for the future value practitioner and as an afterthought by some value practitioners. However, the VE report lives beyond the workshop in the files of the clients and users of those value studies. When a project or product has budget or schedule issues or concerns, one of the first documents management reaches for is the VE report.

For many clients, the VE report becomes the primary marketing tool for future value studies and maintenance of their value program. In addition, the quality of many of these reports reflect the lack of focus and reflects poorly on the value community.

The purpose of this session is to give the attendees, owners, users and practitioners, input, tools and techniques to improve the quality of the VE report and discuss opportunities for improvement in the future.   

2:00 PM – 3:30 PM      BLOCK 3 (TRANSPORTATION TRACK)     

2:00 PM              Utilizing a Modified Function Value Resource Matrix in Transportation Projects

Presenter: Thomasa W. Hume, CVS (Washington State Department of Transportation)

PDUs: 0.5 Hours / Core Competency: Workshop Stage (Six-Phase VM Job Plan)   

2:30 PM               Best VE Recommendations Ever

Presenters: Paul Johnson, CVS-Life; Thomasa W. Hume, CVS®; Jose Theiler, PE, CVS®; Steve Paget, CVS®, LEED BD+C; Mark Watson, PE, CVS-Life, PMP, PMI-RMP; Blane Long, CVS®

PDUs: 1.0 Hours / Core Competency: Value Program                                   


Tuesday, June 9, 2020

7:30 AM – 8:00 AM      PLENARY                                                                                                            

Renee Hoekstra, CVS

SAVE International President     


8:00 AM – 10:00 AM    BLOCK 4

8:00 AM              Giving a Client Value - Whatever That Is!

Presenter: John Downer (Penspen LTD)

PDUs: 0.5 Hours / Core Competency: Value Methodology         

8:30 AM              Uncommon Denominator

Presenter: Jeff Rude, CVS (Value Management Strategies)

PDUs: 0.5 Hours / Core Competency: Value Methodology         

9:00 AM              The Function Analysis Business Planning System as New Methodology for Business Startups               

Presenter: Noriko Murakami (Legend Consulting Company Limited)

PDUs: 0.5 Hours / Core Competency: Function Analysis


9:30 AM              The Case for Generic Fast Diagrams

Presenter: James McCuish (Pinnacle Results LLC)  and Bruce Lenzer, CVS-Life, FSAVE, CQM/OE, CLA, CAQMSA (Synergy Value Solutions, LLC)

PDUs: 0.5 Hours / Core Competency: Function Analysis




10:30 AM – 12:30 PM   PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SESSION: Life Cycle Cost Analysis Techniques


PDUs: 2.0 hours / Core Competency: Cost Analysis

This 2-hour Continuing Education (CE) course will explore a streamlined method to perform life cycle cost analysis using advanced techniques, such as risk analysis and sensitivity analysis, to improve the decision-making process during Value studies.  Additionally, graphic presentation methods that simplify cash flow analysis will be addressed so that participants can easily present a range of possible net present value (NPV) costs and schedules for future major maintenance events. Additional techniques will explore integration of risk-based cash flow analysis for estimating the total cost of ownership of alternatives to help stakeholders understand the implications project development and design decisions.  Armed with improved information concerning life cycle cost, participants can balance initial and future cost to optimize their designs, improve the Value of their programs, and support their design decisions with defensible cost analysis leading to a higher probability of net Value Improvement and ultimate Value Alternative implementation.

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM      BLOCK 5

1:00 PM               An Experiment Comparing COMBINEX and Choosing by Advantages to Evaluate Alternatives

Presenter: John Koga, CVS-Life (Lean Construction Value Specialties LLC)

PDUs: 0.5 Hours / Core Competency: Workshop Stage (Six-Phase VM Job Plan)   


1:30 PM                Adopting Value Management in the Organisation: Challenges for VM Champions

Presenter: Timme Hendriksen (Value FM/ProRail)

PDUs: 0.5 Hours / Core Competency: Value Program  


2:00 PM               New Three Techniques for New Store Opening and New Business Investment

Presenter: Hisaya Yokota (Functional Approach Institute Co., Ltd.)

PDUs: 0.5 Hours / Core Competency: Value Program  


2:30 PM              Development of a New Improvement Method of Combining Multiple Facilities for a Better Commercial Complex

Presenter: Daisuke Kaida (Higuchi Group)

PDUs: 0.5 Hours / Core Competency: Cost Analysis    

Alex Mannion, CCT, VMA (Value Management Strategies, Inc.)

Greg Brink, CVS®, PMP, PMI-RMP, PMI-PBA, CCEA, ENV SP (Value Management Strategies, Inc.)

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

7:30 AM – 8:00 AM      PLENARY                                                                                                            

Renee Hoekstra, CVS

SAVE International President     


8:00 AM – 10:00 AM    BLOCK 6

8:00 AM              Applications of VE in Alternative Delivery

Presenter: Chuck Bartlett, PE, CVS (Alfred Benesch & Company)

PDUs: 0.5 Hours / Core Competency: Value Program


8:30 AM              How to Improve Your Presentation

Presenter: Kyle Schafersman, PE, CVS, PMP (Strategic Value Solutions, Inc.) and Don Stafford, PE, CVS-LIFE, FSAVE, CTM

PDUs: 0.5 Hours / Core Competency: Workshop Stage (Six-Phase VM Job Plan)

9:00 AM              VM meets the Bermuda Quadrangle with Spiraling Dynamics, Value Methodology’s Role in the Evolving World of Innovation

Presenter: Robert Prager, PE, CVS (Strategic Value Solutions, Inc.)

PDUs: 0.5 Hours / Core Competency: Team Facilitation


9:30 AM              Realigning Project Scope of Work Using Customized Value Strategy Steps

Presenter: Ahmed Maged Ali CVS, PMP (Azzouni Consulting Office)

PDUs: 05. Hours / Core Competency: Pre-Workshop Stage      

10:30 AM – 12:30 PM   BLOCK 7

10:30 AM             Value Concept for Government Programs

Presenters: Corey White, PE, CVS® (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), Megan Stachowiak, PMI-RMP, VMA (Strategic Value Solutions, Inc.)

PDUs: 0.5 Hours / Core Competency: Value Program  


11:00 AM              Building Success and Avoiding Surprises

Presenter: Blane Long, CVS (HDR, Inc.)

PDUs: 0.5 Hours / Core Competency: TBD

11:30 AM              VM Study on the Personnel Evaluation System Presenter             

Presenter: Tomohisa Kakiyama (Higuchi Group)

PDUs: 05. Hours / Core Competency: Function Analysis    


12:00 PM             VM of "Five Senses Appeal" through its Value Measuring Method

Presenter: Kazuhiro Fukae (Higuchi Group)

PDUs: 05. Hours / Core Competency: Function Analysis             


12:30 PM – 1:00 PM      BREAK / VIRTUAL CHAT ROOM


1:00 PM – 3:00 PM       PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SESSION: Transforming Information for Enhancing Value Studies

Instructor: Thomas Cook, CVS

PDUs: 2.0 hours / Core Competency: Transform Information

Session Objective will be to interactively demonstrate real world techniques for defining, collecting, organizing, and transforming data to aid Value Teams’ understanding of the value index (function cost divided by function worth).

This transformation occurs initially in the pre-study information and data gathering period. Relevant data on cost, process, risk, quality, user expectations, goals etc need to be collected, demystified, and packaged in a concise, digestible format for effective use during the Value Study.

This training session will demonstrate how to further transform this information, with an eye on function, by the Value Study Team to enhance their insights during the Information/Function Analysis Phase.

This conference session will show best practice in identification, collection, modeling, packaging, all with the goal of transforming information and data to aid a Value Study Team in discovering new perspectives and opportunities.