[JK Useful Links 24.12.17] Jong-Kwon Lim Publications (임종권 각종 영문 출판물: 논문, 기사, 책 등)
Ngo, Duc-Vu, Jong-Kwon Lim, and Dong-Hyawn Kim (2022), "Reliability Analysis and Life Prediction of Aging LNG Unloading Arms Based on Non-Destructive Test Data" Energies2022,15(24), 9408 (new) https://doi.org/10.3390/en15249408 Kim, Sung-Hun, Jong-Kwon Lim, Jae-Yong Kim, Yong-Min Cheon. "Application of Value Analysis for SOC Project in Korea_Kim Sung Hun", Proc. of the 50th SAVE International ..